谢尚然,国家级人才计划入选者(青年人才),yl7703永利官网准聘教授,特立青年学者,博士生导师,研究方向为光镊、精密测量、光纤传感等。分别于2007年与2013年在清华大学电子工程系获得工学学士与博士学位,博士导师为廖延彪教授,读博期间赴加拿大渥太华大学鲍晓毅教授课题组访问。2013年7月起加入德国马克斯-普朗克光科学研究所Philip Russell教授课题组进行博士后研究,并于2015年11月至2021年3月在该课题组担任资深研究员,期间共指导5名博士生。2021年4月加入yl7703永利官网。近年来围绕新型光纤光镊技术的物理机制、探测方法及其测量应用展开了系统深入的研究,在光操控、极弱力精密测量、量子测量、分布式传感等前沿研究领域取得了具有国际影响力的研究成果。曾主持德国政府DFG项目,参与德国政府合作研究计划,相关成果以第一作者/通讯作者发表于Science Advances、Light: Science & Applications、Physical Review Letters、Optica、ACS Photonics等顶级期刊,已公开欧盟发明专利1项,在国际学术会议上作邀请报告10余次。
2010.08 - 2011.12,加拿大渥太华大学,访问博士生,导师:鲍晓毅
2007.08 - 2013.07,清华大学,工学博士,导师:廖延彪
2003.08 - 2007.07,清华大学,工学学士
2021.4 - 今,yl7703永利官网,准聘教授
2015.11 - 2021.03,德国马克斯-普朗克光科学研究所,资深研究员(Senior Scientist)
2013.07 - 2015.10,德国马克斯-普朗克光科学研究所,博士后研究员,合作导师:Philip Russell
1. 光镊:光力学、真空光镊
2. 精密测量:惯性测量、弱力测量、弱磁测量、量子传感
3. 光纤传感:分布式传感、微痕物质探测
4. 光纤光子学:光子晶体光纤、空芯光纤、微纳光纤
1. ACP 2018 程序委员会成员 (Track 1)
2. OFS 22, 组织委员会成员
3. Light: Sci. & Appl.、Phys. Rev. Lett.、ACS Photonics、Opt. Lett.、Opt. Express等期刊审稿人
[J1] Shangran Xie#*, Abhinav Sharma#, Maria Romodina, Nicolas Y. Joly, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Tumbling and anomalous alignment of optically levitated anisotropic microparticles in chiral hollow-core photonic crystal fiber", Science Advances 7, eabf6053, 1-6 (2021).
[J2] Shangran Xie*, Riccardo Pennetta, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Self-alignment of glass fiber nanospike by optomechanical back-action in hollow-core photonic crystal fiber", Optica 3(3), 277-282, 2016.
[J3] Riccardo Pennetta, Shangran Xie*, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Tapered Glass-Fiber Microspike: High-Q Flexural Wave Resonator and Optically Driven Knudsen Pump", Physical Review Letters 117, 273901, 2016.
[J4] Dmitry S. Bykov, Shangran Xie*, Richard Zeltner, Andrey Machnev, Gordon K. L. Wong, Tijmen G. Euser, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Long-range optical trapping and binding of microparticles in hollow-core photonic crystal fibre", Light: Science & Applications 7, 22, 2018.
[J5] Shangran Xie*, Riccardo Pennetta, Zheqi Wang, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Sustained self-starting orbital motion of a glass-fiber “nanoengine” driven by photophoretic forces", ACS Photonics 6(12), 3315-3320, 2019.
[J6] Zheqi Wang, Shangran Xie*, Xin Jiang, Fehim Babic, Jiapeng Huang, Riccardo Pennetta, Johannes R. Koehler, Philip St.J. Russell, "Optically addressable array of optomechanically compliant glass nanospikes on the endface of a soft-glass photonic crystal fiber", ACS Photonics 6(11), 2942-2948, 2019.
[J7] Richard Zeltner*, Shangran Xie*, Riccardo Pennetta, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Broadband, Lensless, and Optomechanically Stabilized Coupling into Microfluidic Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber Using Glass Nanospike", ACS Photonics 4(2), 378–383, 2017.
[J8] Shangran Xie*, Nikolai Tolstik, John C. Travers, Evgeni Sorokin, Celine Caillaud, Johann Troles, Philip St.J Russell, and Irina T. Sorokina, ''Coherent octave-spanning mid-infrared supercontinuum generated in As2S3-silica double-nanospike waveguide pumped by femtosecond Cr:ZnS laser", Optics Express 24(11), 12406-12413, 2016.
[J9] Shangran Xie*, Francesco Tani, John C. Travers, Patrick Uebel, Celine Caillaud, Johann Troles, Markus A. Schmidt, and Philip St.J. Russell, "As2S3–silica double-nanospike waveguide for mid-infrared supercontinuum generation", Optics Letters 39(17), 5216-5219, 2014.
[J10] Abhinav Sharma, Shangran Xie*, Richard Zeltner, and Philip St.J. Russell, "On-the-fly particle metrology in hollow-core photonic crystal fibre", Optics Express 27(24), 34496-34504, 2019.
[J11] Mehmet C. Günendi, Shangran Xie*, David Novoa, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Optical traps and anti-traps for glass nanoplates in hollow waveguides", Optics Express 27(13), 17708-17717, 2019.
[J12] Pan Wang, Jiapeng Huang*, Shangran Xie*, Johann Troles, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Broadband mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in dispersion-engineered As2S3-silica nanospike waveguides pumped by 2.8 μm femtosecond laser", Photonics Research 9(4), 630-636, 2021.
[J13] Max Koeppel*, Abhinav Sharma, Jasper Podschus, Sanju Sundaramahalingam, Nicolas Y. Joly, Shangran Xie*, Philip St.J. Russell, and Bernhard Schmauss, "Doppler optical frequency domain reflectometry for remote fiber sensing", Optics Express 29(10), 14615-14629, 2021.
[J14] Shangran Xie*, Min Zhang, Yanhe Li, and Yanbiao Liao, "Positioning error reduction technique using spectrum reshaping for distributed fiber interferometric vibration sensor", IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 30(22), 3520-3524, 2012.
[J15] Shangran Xie, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao*, "Polarization averaged short-time Fourier transform technique for distributed fiber birefringence characterization using Brillouin gain," Applied Optics 51(19), 4359-4369, 2012.
[J16] Shangran Xie, Meng Pang, Xiaoyi Bao*, and Liang Chen, "Polarization dependence of Brillouin linewidth and peak frequency due to fiber inhomogeneity in single mode fiber and its impact on distributed fiber Brillouin sensing", Optics Express 20(6), 6385-6399, 2012.
[J17] Shangran Xie*, Qilin Zou, Liwei Wang, Min Zhang, Yanhe Li, and Yanbiao Liao, "Positioning Error Prediction Theory for Dual Mach–Zehnder Interferometric Vibration Sensor", IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 29(3), 362-368, 2011.
[J18] Riccardo Pennetta*, Shangran Xie, Richard Zeltner, Jonas Hammer, and Philip St.J. Russell, "Optomechanical cooling and self-stabilization of a waveguide coupled to a whispering-gallery-mode resonator", Photonics Research 8(6), 844-851, 2020.
[J19] Xiangge He, Shangran Xie, Fei Liu, Shan Cao, Lijuan Gu, Xiaoping Zheng, and Min Zhang*, "Multi-event waveform-retrieved distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor using dual-pulse heterodyne phase-sensitive OTDR", Optics Letters 42(3), 442-445, 2017.
[P1] Philip Russell, Richard Zeltner, Shangran Xie, Abhinav Sharma, "Apparatus and methods for particle testing", 欧盟专利,专利号:EP3708998,2020年9月16日公开。